
Get To a Safe Place - If you or a friend is in danger, 拨打911 immediately

This quick reference guide will provide you with the steps to take if you or someone you know has experienced sexual assault, 约会/家庭暴力, 或跟踪. Keep in mind that there are many different resources available to you and you may use as many or as few as you would like.

Make sure you are in a place where you are comfortable and safe. If it is an emergency or someone is in danger, call the ODU Police immediately at 757-683-4000. You can also call the Norfolk Police Department at 911. Both the Norfolk Police Department and ODU Police Department can provide you with protection, 记录事件, 发起调查.

If you are uncomfortable with contacting law enforcement, 您可以联系ODU妇女中心(M-F), 8a.m.-5p.m.) at 757-683-4109. To reach the 女性的 Center after hours, call 757-683-4000. 你也可以打电话给基督教女青年会 & Domestic Violence 服务s 24/7 hotline at 757-251-0144.

Why should I go to the emergency room or student health services after a sexual assault?


  • 内伤
  • 怀孕
  • 性传播感染

紧急 contraception is available for $16, over-the-counter at Student 健康 服务s. A medical practitioner can prescribe antibiotics for infections and treat injuries after giving you an exam (charges apply).

Should you wish to have evidence of a recent assault collected (within 72 hours), with or without reporting the incident to the police, YWCA的回应计划, 757-625-4248 (main office) or 757-251-0144 (hotline), 会陪你去急诊室吗. A Forensic Nurse Examiner can collect evidence from your body that can be held for up to six months while you decide whether or not you want to press charges. In order to preserve evidence that can be used in a court case, 尽量不要吃东西, 小便, 淋浴, 换衣服或梳头发. 如果你真的要换衣服, bring the clothes you were wearing as evidence in a paper bag (not plastic).

For more information about the Physical Evidence Recovery Kit (PERK) exam, visit the rain网络网站.

If you are in need of immediate medical attention, 拨打911, 或ODU警察局电话757-683-4000. For non-emergencies, you may contact ODU Student 健康 服务s at 757-683-3132. Student 健康 服务s can treat internal injuries, sexually transmitted diseases, or pregnancy.

While it is recommended you have evidence collected should you decide at some point to press charges, you do not need to have evidence collected if you do not want to. The exam has no bearing on your right to contact law enforcement, 报告事件, 或者等你准备好了再起诉. Evidence collected can be held without processing for 6 months.

For confidential support in assisting you to set up an exam, 您可以联系以下资源:

  • 女青年会性 & Domestic Violence 服务s 757-251-0144 (hotline) or 757-625-4248 (main office)
  • ODU受害者维权电话757-683-4110
  • ODU学生健康服务:757-683-3132
  • 切萨皮克法医:757-436-4111或911

性暴力和关系暴力, 哪些是性骚扰的形式, 是否违反ODU的歧视政策. 您有许多报告选项. You may contact one of the following offices to file a report, once you are comfortable doing so:

  • 机构公平办公室 & 多样性/第九条协调员:757-683-3141
  • ODU警察局:757-683-4000
  • 诺福克警察局:911
  • ODU妇女中心:757-683-4109

Below are the confidential support services available to students who wish to utilize them.


女青年会性 & Domestic Violence 服务s 24/7 hotline at 757-251-0144.

Department of Defense (DoD) Safe 24/7 Helpline at 877-995-5247




You need to feel safe after an incident of Interpersonal Violence: safe in your residence, 校园安全行走, 工作安全. Here are some resources and options to consider:

我在学校的房间里感到不安全. 我该怎么办呢??
联系 an ODU Victim Advocate: 757-683-4110 ,walk in M-F 8am-5pm, after hours call 757-683-4000.

我在校外的公寓里觉得不安全. 我该怎么办呢??
联络女青年会性部 & 家庭暴力热线:757-251-0144.

我需要和伤害我的人保持距离. 我有什么选择?
For a Campus No 联系 Order, you can report a violation of the Student Code of Conduct here: 事故报告表格

The 女性的 Center can connect you to the ODU Police Department. A representative from the 女性的 Center can join you in person or on the phone when meeting with the police.

I work with the person who hurt me and I don't feel safe. 我怎样才能保住我的工作?
联系 an ODU Victim Advocate:757-683-4110, walk in M-F 8a.m. -5 p.m.,下班后请致电757-683-4000.

我缺课了. 我该怎么办呢??
联系学生服务中心 & 支持 for assistance to stay on track with your studies. 757-683-3442


保持冷静:你可能会感到震惊或愤怒, 或者想要报复, 但表达这种想法是没有用的.

Believe them: survivors often tell no one because they are afraid no one will believe them or they will be blamed. 关于性侵的虚假报道极为罕见.

Don't blame them: survivors often blame themselves and anticipate being blamed by others. No matter what they did or did not do, it is not their fault. They cannot be responsible for someone else's behavior. 幸存者需要知道他们不应该受到指责.

Listen: allow them to talk but do not push for details. 用不带评判的方式倾听.

耐心点:恢复需要时间. 你可能认为他们现在应该“放下”了, but for many people the effects of an assault will last over their lifetime. You can help find them support to positively cope and heal from the assault.

Allow the survivor to make decisions about what to do. 支持ing their choices helps to re-establish their sense of control.

Encourage follow-up: encourage your friend to get medical attention and other needed services. Make them aware of resources, offer help in accessing services. Actively encourage your friend to seek help and offer to accompany them.
